We are off to Mississippi and will be gone for a week and a half. We are really excited to be able to go and see Eric's family, and be apart of his nephew's wedding. But, our trip is not all fun and relaxation. While there we plan on doing to digging into Moby Solangi's new Ocean Expo he is building, and also spending a lot of time on the beaches of Ms. Animals, including dolphins, are still washing up daily on the shores of Mississippi, and we want to see first hand whats going on. We will be taking both video and still images and will share what we find as soon as we can.
Be back soon!
Chasity, Eric, and Linden
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Imaq and Kavna Update...
On Saturday April 16, the Vancouver Aquarium secretly loaded up Imaq and shipped him to SeaWorld Texas. We knew this was an option for Imaq, but didn't know if the aquarium would go through with it. The V.A. actually had said more then once that moving Imaq could be dangerous to his health.
So what is next? Imaq is now in Texas, where he will be placed in their breeding program. Back in Vancouver, the aquarium says it is building a new pool for the beluga's. Of course, they have said this for many years, so we will see. Kavna, the female beluga that had been put with Imaq in the tiny medical pool, has been reunited with the other female beluga's.
I have mixed emotions on this move. I am sad that Imaq was not moved to a sea pen and retired, but not surprised. Everyone knows that the money hungry facilities will never willingly release these animals back to their natural waters. BUT, I am happy that Imaq and Kavna are out of that tiny little medical pool. I'm happy that Imaq now has a little more room and Kavna has been reunited with her female pod, in which she is the Matriarch of. Imaq and Kavna had been held in the very small holding pool away from the rest of the Beluga's for many years. I'm glad that they are out of it now.
I will have more on this story soon!
So what is next? Imaq is now in Texas, where he will be placed in their breeding program. Back in Vancouver, the aquarium says it is building a new pool for the beluga's. Of course, they have said this for many years, so we will see. Kavna, the female beluga that had been put with Imaq in the tiny medical pool, has been reunited with the other female beluga's.
I have mixed emotions on this move. I am sad that Imaq was not moved to a sea pen and retired, but not surprised. Everyone knows that the money hungry facilities will never willingly release these animals back to their natural waters. BUT, I am happy that Imaq and Kavna are out of that tiny little medical pool. I'm happy that Imaq now has a little more room and Kavna has been reunited with her female pod, in which she is the Matriarch of. Imaq and Kavna had been held in the very small holding pool away from the rest of the Beluga's for many years. I'm glad that they are out of it now.
I will have more on this story soon!
Vancouver Aquarium beluga whale Imaq secretly relocated to Texas
By Kim Pemberton, Vancouver Sun April 19, 2011 8:43 AM
VANCOUVER -- Nine hours after leaving the Vancouver Aquarium in secret and with a police escort, Imaq, a hefty 23-year-old male beluga, was “checking out the females” at his new SeaWorld home in San Antonio, Tex., said aquarium official Clint Wright on Monday.
The 3,000-pound beluga was relocated Saturday to a pool that houses three breeding-age females, in the hope that he’ll breed with one and a healthy calf will bring the number of belugas in North American aquariums to 39.
“It went about as well as it could,” said Wright, senior vice president of operations and planning. “He swam straight out [into the San Antonio pool], eating fish and checking out the females. He seems very comfortable in his new surroundings.”
Wright said the whale’s Vancouver trainer, Brian Sheehan, accompanied him on the trip, which began Saturday around 6 p.m., when Imaq was lifted onto a stretcher suspended in water inside a 15-foot trailer.
Police, on hand to ensure a smooth trip by stopping traffic at intersections, escorted Imaq to the airport, where the trailer was loaded onto a chartered plane paid for by SeaWorld.
The beluga reached his destination around 3 a.m. Sunday.
Sheehan will remain at SeaWorld for the next few days to ensure Imaq is adapting to his new home, Wright said. SeaWorld staff had spent the previous week in Vancouver getting to know Imaq and his routines, he added.
Imaq’s move was not publicized, Wright said, because the aquarium didn’t want to have to deal with crowds if people came out for his send-off.
The Vancouver Aquarium’s four remaining belugas are all female. One of them, Tiqa, is the only surviving offspring of Imaq. (Two-year-old Tuvaq died of an infection and Nala, a seemingly healthy one-year-old, died suddenly last year.)
Wright said he’s been asked how Tiqa is taking the loss of her father but that it’s a non-issue because they hadn’t been in the same pool. Imaq had been living with the oldest female, Kavna, for the past three years. Wright pointed out that male belugas in the wild often join a bachelor herd after breeding season, from March to May, ends.
And while staff may be missing the outgoing, friendly Imaq, he said, Kavna is showing no signs of distress: “She’s happy to be back with the females. She’s the matriach, and when she went into the pool all the others went behind her.”
He said Tiqa had only known her mother and grandmother so she was curious about Kavna.
Imaq, meanwhile, is taking his place in the hierachy in San Antonio, which houses four other belugas.
Wright said the timing of Imaq’s move was ideal, since besides wanting to diversify their breeding stock, the aquarium will soon begin building a 1.3-million-gallon beluga pool, almost triple the size of its existing one.
He said Imaq is on loan to SeaWorld, so if they ever have concerns about Imaq he’ll be welcomed back. And if he does have a calf, that beluga could end up living in Vancouver.
The 3,000-pound beluga was relocated Saturday to a pool that houses three breeding-age females, in the hope that he’ll breed with one and a healthy calf will bring the number of belugas in North American aquariums to 39.
“It went about as well as it could,” said Wright, senior vice president of operations and planning. “He swam straight out [into the San Antonio pool], eating fish and checking out the females. He seems very comfortable in his new surroundings.”
Wright said the whale’s Vancouver trainer, Brian Sheehan, accompanied him on the trip, which began Saturday around 6 p.m., when Imaq was lifted onto a stretcher suspended in water inside a 15-foot trailer.
Police, on hand to ensure a smooth trip by stopping traffic at intersections, escorted Imaq to the airport, where the trailer was loaded onto a chartered plane paid for by SeaWorld.
The beluga reached his destination around 3 a.m. Sunday.
Sheehan will remain at SeaWorld for the next few days to ensure Imaq is adapting to his new home, Wright said. SeaWorld staff had spent the previous week in Vancouver getting to know Imaq and his routines, he added.
Imaq’s move was not publicized, Wright said, because the aquarium didn’t want to have to deal with crowds if people came out for his send-off.
The Vancouver Aquarium’s four remaining belugas are all female. One of them, Tiqa, is the only surviving offspring of Imaq. (Two-year-old Tuvaq died of an infection and Nala, a seemingly healthy one-year-old, died suddenly last year.)
Wright said he’s been asked how Tiqa is taking the loss of her father but that it’s a non-issue because they hadn’t been in the same pool. Imaq had been living with the oldest female, Kavna, for the past three years. Wright pointed out that male belugas in the wild often join a bachelor herd after breeding season, from March to May, ends.
And while staff may be missing the outgoing, friendly Imaq, he said, Kavna is showing no signs of distress: “She’s happy to be back with the females. She’s the matriach, and when she went into the pool all the others went behind her.”
He said Tiqa had only known her mother and grandmother so she was curious about Kavna.
Imaq, meanwhile, is taking his place in the hierachy in San Antonio, which houses four other belugas.
Wright said the timing of Imaq’s move was ideal, since besides wanting to diversify their breeding stock, the aquarium will soon begin building a 1.3-million-gallon beluga pool, almost triple the size of its existing one.
He said Imaq is on loan to SeaWorld, so if they ever have concerns about Imaq he’ll be welcomed back. And if he does have a calf, that beluga could end up living in Vancouver.
© Copyright (c) The Vancouver Sun
Thursday, April 14, 2011
@ATT Proudly Supports Dolphin Slavery..By Holise Cleveland III
This is a wonderful post by our dear friend, please check out his blog, Cyber Whale Warrior.
by Holise E Cleveland III
by Holise E Cleveland III
Maybe AT&T doesn’t know science has proven that dolphins are almost or just as intelligent as humans. After all, if they knew this, they would not be supporting the dolphin captivity newly devised by Georgia Aquarium. Which is it? Is AT&T utterly ignorant or positively evil? It would seem that they have a dilemma. If they admit that dolphins are highly intelligent, then they admit to condoning the incarceration of highly intelligent beings for profit. If they admit to being utterly clueless about dolphin intelligence, however, they have a viable excuse to back out and donate to a truly worthy cause.
There is a stance that SeaWorld and all the others seem to take. They say that dolphins (Orcas are a type of dolphin) are better off with them than in the wild. I can see now how Disney supports them. My family and I watched ‘Tangled’ the other day. The evil kidnapper kept telling Rapunzel that “Mother knows best.” Rapunzel simply wanted to leave for a little while to see some lights. That was out of the question. Did the people of ATT see this movie? Did they cheer when the kidnapper said, “You will never leave?”
Maybe AT&T sees dolphins as roaches of fleas. Maybe AT&T thinks that dolphins are nothing more than pests. Hell! Maybe AT&T still believes that the Earth is FLAT!
Whether you are for or against dolphin captivity, please let me ask you, what sort of education have you received from visiting a marine mammal circus? What did you learn that you could not have learned from a book or a documentary? If you feel that you did not learn enough from a Civil War documentary, do you think that we should get some people to kill each other before your very eyes so that you are more educated? Do you think that we should put Georgia Aquarium and AT&T in charge of this since they are obviously an authority on displaying such idiocy in the name of education?
AT&T is a large company. Chances are they researched the pros and cons. They probably feel that they will make more money promoting Georgia Aquarium Dolphin Circus, than they would opposing it. I challenge you to call your communication provider today and ask them where they stand on sentient incarceration and slavery. You may think that a simple phone call will not make a difference, but if we all do this we will make an impact. If we all call our telephone companies and let them know that we loyally support them for not being as evil as AT&T, it will let them know that they should never be as utterly stupid as AT&T.
- Scientists say dolphins should be treated as non-human persons
- Scientists Say Dolphins Should Be Granted Human Non-Human Person Status : TreeHugger
- Scientists say dolphins should be treated as ‘non-human persons’ – Times Online
- Is a Dolphin a Person? – ScienceNOW
- Scientists Call For Dolphins to Be Given “Non-Human Person” Status « JONATHAN TURLEY
Please leave your comments for this post here.
Friday, April 8, 2011
Adopt a Shelter
I have posted about Patrick the pit bull in a recent post. By now most people have heard his sad, yet amazing story. If you missed the post you can read it here, Patrick's story, his recovery, has touched the lives of people all over the world. People have sent donations, treats, clothes, collars, blankets and bedding, to Patrick. His caregivers have been overwhelmed with the support. And his fan page has now reached over 84,000 people!
Although Patrick's story is hard to stomach, he is not alone. There are thousands of dogs that have stories just like Patrick's. Abused, starved, and thrown away. Its hard to imagine this happening to these beautiful creatures, but it does happen, every day! Pets are the most abused and neglected animals on earth. Millions upon millions are killed every year due to cruelty or being homeless. Dogs and cats are so dependent on people. Yet, people get them and do not always have the animals best interest in mind. From not wanting a pet for the right reasons, to just wanting one to have one, with out money to care for them, so many animals are put in bad situations on a daily bases. Ten years working as a Vet. Tech, I have seen some really sad and unbearable things.
With so many dogs in need, its time for the world to step up and give them the care they need. No, I am not suggesting people run out and adopt a dog or a cat. Now, I do suggest that if you want a new pet, to check out your local rescues and shelter groups. It doesn't matter what breed or type of dog you are looking for, the right dog for you is out there. But, this is not really what I mean when I say stand up and help. I am talking about adopting not a pet, but a shelter. There are so many amazing shelters and rescue groups out there. Each of them is full of volunteers that work tirelessly helping the animals out that people have thrown away. They need your help.
There is so many ways you can help out these places. You can volunteer your time, you can donate money for certain animals ChipIn, or you can call or visit the shelters website and find out what is on their Wish List. Most facilities are always in need of certain things; Premium Food (Dry/canned) for both puppies/kittens and adults, treats, Kong's, rubber chew bones, cat litter and litter boxes, cleaning supplies such as bleach, paper towels, laundry detergent, and office supplies like printer paper and pens. Most also take gift cards to local grocery stores and pet stores.
Our goal is to get as many people we can to adopt a shelter in their area, and help that shelter out as much as they can. My suggestion is get a basic idea of what your shelter needs and when you go to the store for your regular shopping, check to see if there is any items on their list on sale. By a few things here and there as you can, and once a month or so, go to the facility and make your donations. You can also talk to your boss and/or co-workers and adopt a shelter as an office project. Other ideas would be your church, child's classroom, or just a group of family and friends. The point is, you dint have to donate tons of money, but ever little thing helps. You will make a difference in these animals lives!
So this is our new challenge to everyone. Make a difference in these poor dogs and cats lives. Let them know that not everyone in the human race is not as cruel or cold hearted, as those that threw these babies away! I hope you really give this a thought. Please share this challenge with everyone you know. Together, we can make a difference in so many lives!
Picture of Lancelot was Taken from Lancelot's Road to Recovery on FB. Please check it out to read his story and see if maybe you can help this poor boy out. Links to Lancelot's rescue group is there too.
Picture Of Patrick was taken from The Patrick Miracle on FB. You can check there for more info on Sweet P. Including his vet info and rescue info.
Picture of Gypsy Rose, a full bred Chinese Crested~ PowderPuff, taken from our newly adopted shelter Animal Guardians of America. Gypsy is just one of the many dogs they have up for adoption, and the proof that you can get any breed your looking for.
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Patrick |
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Lancelot |
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Gypsy Rose |
There is so many ways you can help out these places. You can volunteer your time, you can donate money for certain animals ChipIn, or you can call or visit the shelters website and find out what is on their Wish List. Most facilities are always in need of certain things; Premium Food (Dry/canned) for both puppies/kittens and adults, treats, Kong's, rubber chew bones, cat litter and litter boxes, cleaning supplies such as bleach, paper towels, laundry detergent, and office supplies like printer paper and pens. Most also take gift cards to local grocery stores and pet stores.
Our goal is to get as many people we can to adopt a shelter in their area, and help that shelter out as much as they can. My suggestion is get a basic idea of what your shelter needs and when you go to the store for your regular shopping, check to see if there is any items on their list on sale. By a few things here and there as you can, and once a month or so, go to the facility and make your donations. You can also talk to your boss and/or co-workers and adopt a shelter as an office project. Other ideas would be your church, child's classroom, or just a group of family and friends. The point is, you dint have to donate tons of money, but ever little thing helps. You will make a difference in these animals lives!
So this is our new challenge to everyone. Make a difference in these poor dogs and cats lives. Let them know that not everyone in the human race is not as cruel or cold hearted, as those that threw these babies away! I hope you really give this a thought. Please share this challenge with everyone you know. Together, we can make a difference in so many lives!
Picture of Lancelot was Taken from Lancelot's Road to Recovery on FB. Please check it out to read his story and see if maybe you can help this poor boy out. Links to Lancelot's rescue group is there too.
Picture Of Patrick was taken from The Patrick Miracle on FB. You can check there for more info on Sweet P. Including his vet info and rescue info.
Picture of Gypsy Rose, a full bred Chinese Crested~ PowderPuff, taken from our newly adopted shelter Animal Guardians of America. Gypsy is just one of the many dogs they have up for adoption, and the proof that you can get any breed your looking for.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Definition of Hero:
a man distinguished by exceptional courage and nobility and strength;
the principal character in a play or movie or novel or poem
champion: someone who fights for a cause
As a child when I thought of a hero, it was a fictional character like Super Man or Batman. Someone who, no matter what was going on, always rushed in and saved the day. They would be there to help rescue the cat out of the tree or save the planet from an asteroid, there was nothing these hero's couldn't handle. They made you feel safe, because you knew as long as they were around, nothing bad would ever happen.
As I got older, of course, I learned that super hero's like this were not real. I learned that a Hero was something totally different then I once thought. Hero's come in all forms, and most would never consider themselves hero's. I learned that you do not need "super power's" to become a hero, you just have to stand up when needed.
These days I know that there are hero's all around us. Average people who just do the right thing. I also know that although I may find someone to be a hero, someone else might not agree. Everyone has their own idea's of what a hero is, regardless of definition. Some forgo the hero title and just call them role models. Thus, taking away the idea of super human powers and just making the person someone you should learn from and strive to be like. Regardless to how you look at it, these people should be celebrated.
In the Activist world, there are so many people deserving of the title. From those that the world may know down to those that do so much work, but are not in the pubic eye. Today there are so many people that i look up to, for so many different reasons. I am surrounded by "Greats"! Their dedication and courage inspires me to be my best. Most of these people are there for me on a daily basis. They help lift me up when needed or are always there to just brainstorm with. I am blessed with the wisdom from the older generations and amazed by the determination of the younger ones. And although I know that none of them have super human powers, I sleep a little better at night, knowing these people are out there, fighting for our Earth.
I would like to take a minute to celebrate and honor these people. I want to Thank them for all they do and for just being there. I know that none of you look at yourselves as Hero's, but you are all on my list. Thank You!
As a child when I thought of a hero, it was a fictional character like Super Man or Batman. Someone who, no matter what was going on, always rushed in and saved the day. They would be there to help rescue the cat out of the tree or save the planet from an asteroid, there was nothing these hero's couldn't handle. They made you feel safe, because you knew as long as they were around, nothing bad would ever happen.
As I got older, of course, I learned that super hero's like this were not real. I learned that a Hero was something totally different then I once thought. Hero's come in all forms, and most would never consider themselves hero's. I learned that you do not need "super power's" to become a hero, you just have to stand up when needed.
These days I know that there are hero's all around us. Average people who just do the right thing. I also know that although I may find someone to be a hero, someone else might not agree. Everyone has their own idea's of what a hero is, regardless of definition. Some forgo the hero title and just call them role models. Thus, taking away the idea of super human powers and just making the person someone you should learn from and strive to be like. Regardless to how you look at it, these people should be celebrated.
In the Activist world, there are so many people deserving of the title. From those that the world may know down to those that do so much work, but are not in the pubic eye. Today there are so many people that i look up to, for so many different reasons. I am surrounded by "Greats"! Their dedication and courage inspires me to be my best. Most of these people are there for me on a daily basis. They help lift me up when needed or are always there to just brainstorm with. I am blessed with the wisdom from the older generations and amazed by the determination of the younger ones. And although I know that none of them have super human powers, I sleep a little better at night, knowing these people are out there, fighting for our Earth.
I would like to take a minute to celebrate and honor these people. I want to Thank them for all they do and for just being there. I know that none of you look at yourselves as Hero's, but you are all on my list. Thank You!
Saturday, April 2, 2011
The Georgia Aquarium: AT&T Dolphin Tails
Today was opening day for Georgia Aquarium's and AT&T's new partnership show "Dolphin Tails". Although I have not seen the show, I am sure it is filled with dolphins jumping high in the air, doing double back flips and other trained "behaviors". I can also bet that once these behaviors are done, the dolphins rush to the sidelines to get their much awaited reward, a dead half frozen fish. And of course the dolphin will have a beautiful smile on its face the whole time, because they are so happy that humans care so deeply about them. The visitors will be mesmerized by the sites of the dolphins and watching them do their thing. Many of them probably has never seen a dolphin before, and they will talk about how great it is to be able to have the experience, right there in the middle of downtown Atlanta. Great times will be had by all!
WAKE UP PEOPLE! Do you really not see all the wrong in what was just said? Let me just ask you a few questions. If you have one good answer to any of them, or can prove me wrong in ANY way, please, tell me. I can not tell you how bad I want to be proven wrong! First off, Dolphins have lived on this earth far longer then humans. They have not only survived, but have thrived in the wild. Why on earth do they need humans to teach them "behaviors"? What could teaching them double back flips possibly do to help in the wild? Do you honestly think that keeping them in captivity for human enjoyment is helping them? If so, PLEASE explain how. Secondly... Do you have a dog? We are owned by two amazing dogs. They are both happy and healthy and are treated like queens. They are feed daily and get treats multiple times a day. Both are pretty laid back, but when its food time or treat time both get extremely excited. One, Malika, gets so excited at food time that she jumps around, runs in circles, and I could get her to do pretty much whatever I wanted her to....because I know she wants that food. My point? Has it ever crossed your mind that maybe the dolphins don't really want to do these silly human tricks, but know if they want that food they have to? Have you ever actually noticed that once the trick is done they rush back to their trainer...mouth opened? They want food. They don't care if you or their trainer are amazed by their skill...they just want to eat! Next, besides going to a marine park, have you ever watched a show or read anything about dolphins? Do you know what they normally eat or how they hunt? Dolphins do not eat dead fish. They do not eat dead anything! They are hunters, not scavengers. And they damn sure do not eat frozen food in the wild. Why in the world would they want or need too? So if captivity is such a good thing for dolphins, and the goal is to make it as natural as the facility can, why on earth are they served dead fish..normally still somewhat frozen? Last...why on earth would anyone think these animals are happy? Oh...wait..its the smile! Lord knows they have the most happy, amazing smiles! Well please take alook at my previous post The Dolphins Smile, that should sum it up.
News is already out about the dolphin show today. I found this early story from Georgia news 11Alive interesting. You can find the full story Here they have a video and pictures.
ATLANTA -- The Georgia Aquarium is bigger than ever with Saturday's opening of a new exhibit called AT&T Dolphin Tales.
It covers 84-thousand square feet of space and includes 1.8 million gallons of water. It took three years to build and cost $110 million dollars.
"We've been through it. We've been preparing. Now to see it open to the public is awesome," said Georgia Aquarium President & COO David Kimmel.
The kids from the Ron Clark Academy performed an original song for the grand opening, called "I'll Swim Up."
Alea DaCosta, 8, of Ellenwood was the guest of the hour who had a chance to help with the countdown to opening. Her grandmother wrote to the Aquarium to share how much Alea loves dolphins.
"Because they're playful and cute," she said. "This is my first time seeing a dolphin. I didn't know how fast they could go."
AT&T Dolphin Tales includes a viewing gallery that guests can access all day, plus two daily dolphin shows that cost extra.
The dolphins are expected to be a big draw, but a small group of protesters also turned out Saturday.
Their message: captivity kills.
"They belong in the ocean," said Becky Pugh, who organized the protest with postings on Facebook. "They have a God-given right to swim in a straight line as far as they can."
She calls her group "Free Atlanta-11." The name comes from the number of dolphins on exhibit. She handed out DVDs and pamphlets during Saturday's protest.
Kimmel, the Georgia Aquarium's president, responded this way: "We all love dolphins, and we believe this is the way to get people to open their hearts and care."
Ticket prices range from $7 for children and $12.50 for adults, in addition to admission prices. The Dolphin Tales theatre seats 1,800.
The gallery features 11 dolphins that were born in human care.
The trainers do daily dolphin assessments in addition to weekly exams by veterinarians.
They use praise and affection to teach the dolphins how to present different body parts to make caring for them easier.
"The reason this is successful is because our trainers lavish praise and affection on the animals," said Michael Hunt, director of animal training.
"I think the care we give our animals is paramount," Hunt said. "It's our number one priority."
I just want to touch a few things in this story.
First off, I want to give BIG props to all of the protesters who showed up to let their voice be heard. The very fact that they were able to get the news media to put in print "Captivity Kills" is huge and I thank you all from the bottom of my heart.
For Mr. Kimmel..and anyone who wants to defend him... You state "We all love dolphins, and we believe this is the way to get people to open their hearts and care.". I must ask you Sir, is the human race so self absorbed and selfish that the only way we can love or understand something, is by holding it in captivity? Is this really where humanity has gone? Have we really become so advanced in our technology and our hunger for money that we have forgotten the lessons of our own history? I get that some people feel the human race is above all others, but do you really think that because we may be smarter, we have the right to do with other lives any way we please?
Not all that long ago a man decided he wanted to do away with people that didn't look, think, and believe like him. He gathered these people up, they went through a selection process, those that fit his needs were sent to a facility to work for him, those that didn't were killed. Please, tell me how what this man did is any different then what happens to dolphins in Taiji? Sir, do you support Hitlers actions? Now, please, do not come back at me with the same old line. Do not come back with the "We do not have dolphins from Taiji, we do not support what they do, and we would never take dolphins from there." that line is so old, and so deceiving. I know that none of the dolphins came from Taiji. But, since we are on the topic, the article claims that all 11 of the dolphins were captive born. This is not the case. Truth is one dolphin, Shaka, was actually captured in the wild on 8/20/1988 for Dolphin Quest Hawaii. Why was this left out? She was not rescued she was captured, for the the sole reason of entertaining people. And please, tell me about the other 10 dolphins. Although all born in captivity, where were their parents born? I can tell you, because I did the research, they were captive. They all came from the wild, captured for entertaining and breeding. Its not hard to find this information out. You just have to look. So, although 10 of the 11 dolphins where in fact born in captivity, 1 of them and the other 10's parents went through hell, riped away from their families, so that they could produce second generation dolphins, that were not wild caught. So greedy money makers could stand up and say..."These animals were not taken from the wild!". We all know how Hitler's actions were dealt with. People stood up for the right of humanity, they ended Hitler's actions and saved and freed those he kept captive. Sadly for the Dolphins, people as a whole just DO NOT really care about their well being. If they did they would not be paying ungodly amounts of money to support these facilities.
Kimmel also stated "children will benefit the most" .."This is what will inspire them to be the next advocates for the next generation and generations to come," he said. "If we don't expose them now, they'll never get a chance to see this." Firstly, my 3 year old son loves dolphins. He knows what they are and he adores them, yet he has never seen one in person, not even in the wild. He knows them and loves them, because I took the time to teach him about them. On the same token, I have never seen a humpback whale or a minke whale, but that does not mean I will not fight to save them. I have never seen a great white shark, but that does not make it ok to kill them. Manatees, leather back sea turtles, a walrus...the list goes on and on. The thought of not having compassion for a life just because you have never seen one is outrageous. Tell me, how many starving children in Africa have you met in person? If none, does that make you care about their pain and suffering any less.
How about this... all across the globe in hard to reach areas there are tribes that have never seen or know about the modern world. They have their own cultures and ways of life that is completely unknown to the modern society. We know nothing about them, we have no clue how they have survived so long, yet we know they are out there. If I gathered a team of men, went into one of their villages, took them all against their will, brought them back to a facility, so that I and my team of experts could study and learn from them, would that be ok? I would feed them and care for them and sure, they would be completely out of their natural environment, but it would give us a better understand of their lives. Would the study be excepted by the modern day world? NO! No, there is no way it would. I would be arrested and thrown in jail for so many violations of the law, I myself would never see the light of day. So tell me, why is it any different with dolphins? Just because they are not human?
I must ask the question one more time. Is this what the human race has turned into? Is this who we are as a society? People who do not care about the rights of other living creatures? Or only care as long as we are making money and entertained? Has our technology made us so naive to really think we are better then and worth more then any other living creature? Have we forgotten that most of the animals on this earth has lived here far longer then humans and would be just fine with out us? Can we say the same? Could we live without them? Nope! So why is it ok to use them for our own selfish gain?
Please Boycott The Georgia Aquarium and AT&T! Do not support any marine mammal facility or any company that partners or sponsors them. When you do, you are just as guilty as they are.
For the love of the Atlanta 11 and all other dolphin, captive and free....Take a stand and be their voice. Captivity is slavery, and it kills!
WAKE UP PEOPLE! Do you really not see all the wrong in what was just said? Let me just ask you a few questions. If you have one good answer to any of them, or can prove me wrong in ANY way, please, tell me. I can not tell you how bad I want to be proven wrong! First off, Dolphins have lived on this earth far longer then humans. They have not only survived, but have thrived in the wild. Why on earth do they need humans to teach them "behaviors"? What could teaching them double back flips possibly do to help in the wild? Do you honestly think that keeping them in captivity for human enjoyment is helping them? If so, PLEASE explain how. Secondly... Do you have a dog? We are owned by two amazing dogs. They are both happy and healthy and are treated like queens. They are feed daily and get treats multiple times a day. Both are pretty laid back, but when its food time or treat time both get extremely excited. One, Malika, gets so excited at food time that she jumps around, runs in circles, and I could get her to do pretty much whatever I wanted her to....because I know she wants that food. My point? Has it ever crossed your mind that maybe the dolphins don't really want to do these silly human tricks, but know if they want that food they have to? Have you ever actually noticed that once the trick is done they rush back to their trainer...mouth opened? They want food. They don't care if you or their trainer are amazed by their skill...they just want to eat! Next, besides going to a marine park, have you ever watched a show or read anything about dolphins? Do you know what they normally eat or how they hunt? Dolphins do not eat dead fish. They do not eat dead anything! They are hunters, not scavengers. And they damn sure do not eat frozen food in the wild. Why in the world would they want or need too? So if captivity is such a good thing for dolphins, and the goal is to make it as natural as the facility can, why on earth are they served dead fish..normally still somewhat frozen? Last...why on earth would anyone think these animals are happy? Oh...wait..its the smile! Lord knows they have the most happy, amazing smiles! Well please take alook at my previous post The Dolphins Smile, that should sum it up.
News is already out about the dolphin show today. I found this early story from Georgia news 11Alive interesting. You can find the full story Here they have a video and pictures.
ATLANTA -- The Georgia Aquarium is bigger than ever with Saturday's opening of a new exhibit called AT&T Dolphin Tales.
It covers 84-thousand square feet of space and includes 1.8 million gallons of water. It took three years to build and cost $110 million dollars.
"We've been through it. We've been preparing. Now to see it open to the public is awesome," said Georgia Aquarium President & COO David Kimmel.
The kids from the Ron Clark Academy performed an original song for the grand opening, called "I'll Swim Up."
Alea DaCosta, 8, of Ellenwood was the guest of the hour who had a chance to help with the countdown to opening. Her grandmother wrote to the Aquarium to share how much Alea loves dolphins.
"Because they're playful and cute," she said. "This is my first time seeing a dolphin. I didn't know how fast they could go."
AT&T Dolphin Tales includes a viewing gallery that guests can access all day, plus two daily dolphin shows that cost extra.
The dolphins are expected to be a big draw, but a small group of protesters also turned out Saturday.
Their message: captivity kills.
"They belong in the ocean," said Becky Pugh, who organized the protest with postings on Facebook. "They have a God-given right to swim in a straight line as far as they can."
She calls her group "Free Atlanta-11." The name comes from the number of dolphins on exhibit. She handed out DVDs and pamphlets during Saturday's protest.
Kimmel, the Georgia Aquarium's president, responded this way: "We all love dolphins, and we believe this is the way to get people to open their hearts and care."
Ticket prices range from $7 for children and $12.50 for adults, in addition to admission prices. The Dolphin Tales theatre seats 1,800.
The gallery features 11 dolphins that were born in human care.
The trainers do daily dolphin assessments in addition to weekly exams by veterinarians.
They use praise and affection to teach the dolphins how to present different body parts to make caring for them easier.
"The reason this is successful is because our trainers lavish praise and affection on the animals," said Michael Hunt, director of animal training.
"I think the care we give our animals is paramount," Hunt said. "It's our number one priority."
I just want to touch a few things in this story.
First off, I want to give BIG props to all of the protesters who showed up to let their voice be heard. The very fact that they were able to get the news media to put in print "Captivity Kills" is huge and I thank you all from the bottom of my heart.
For Mr. Kimmel..and anyone who wants to defend him... You state "We all love dolphins, and we believe this is the way to get people to open their hearts and care.". I must ask you Sir, is the human race so self absorbed and selfish that the only way we can love or understand something, is by holding it in captivity? Is this really where humanity has gone? Have we really become so advanced in our technology and our hunger for money that we have forgotten the lessons of our own history? I get that some people feel the human race is above all others, but do you really think that because we may be smarter, we have the right to do with other lives any way we please?
Not all that long ago a man decided he wanted to do away with people that didn't look, think, and believe like him. He gathered these people up, they went through a selection process, those that fit his needs were sent to a facility to work for him, those that didn't were killed. Please, tell me how what this man did is any different then what happens to dolphins in Taiji? Sir, do you support Hitlers actions? Now, please, do not come back at me with the same old line. Do not come back with the "We do not have dolphins from Taiji, we do not support what they do, and we would never take dolphins from there." that line is so old, and so deceiving. I know that none of the dolphins came from Taiji. But, since we are on the topic, the article claims that all 11 of the dolphins were captive born. This is not the case. Truth is one dolphin, Shaka, was actually captured in the wild on 8/20/1988 for Dolphin Quest Hawaii. Why was this left out? She was not rescued she was captured, for the the sole reason of entertaining people. And please, tell me about the other 10 dolphins. Although all born in captivity, where were their parents born? I can tell you, because I did the research, they were captive. They all came from the wild, captured for entertaining and breeding. Its not hard to find this information out. You just have to look. So, although 10 of the 11 dolphins where in fact born in captivity, 1 of them and the other 10's parents went through hell, riped away from their families, so that they could produce second generation dolphins, that were not wild caught. So greedy money makers could stand up and say..."These animals were not taken from the wild!". We all know how Hitler's actions were dealt with. People stood up for the right of humanity, they ended Hitler's actions and saved and freed those he kept captive. Sadly for the Dolphins, people as a whole just DO NOT really care about their well being. If they did they would not be paying ungodly amounts of money to support these facilities.
Kimmel also stated "children will benefit the most" .."This is what will inspire them to be the next advocates for the next generation and generations to come," he said. "If we don't expose them now, they'll never get a chance to see this." Firstly, my 3 year old son loves dolphins. He knows what they are and he adores them, yet he has never seen one in person, not even in the wild. He knows them and loves them, because I took the time to teach him about them. On the same token, I have never seen a humpback whale or a minke whale, but that does not mean I will not fight to save them. I have never seen a great white shark, but that does not make it ok to kill them. Manatees, leather back sea turtles, a walrus...the list goes on and on. The thought of not having compassion for a life just because you have never seen one is outrageous. Tell me, how many starving children in Africa have you met in person? If none, does that make you care about their pain and suffering any less.
How about this... all across the globe in hard to reach areas there are tribes that have never seen or know about the modern world. They have their own cultures and ways of life that is completely unknown to the modern society. We know nothing about them, we have no clue how they have survived so long, yet we know they are out there. If I gathered a team of men, went into one of their villages, took them all against their will, brought them back to a facility, so that I and my team of experts could study and learn from them, would that be ok? I would feed them and care for them and sure, they would be completely out of their natural environment, but it would give us a better understand of their lives. Would the study be excepted by the modern day world? NO! No, there is no way it would. I would be arrested and thrown in jail for so many violations of the law, I myself would never see the light of day. So tell me, why is it any different with dolphins? Just because they are not human?
I must ask the question one more time. Is this what the human race has turned into? Is this who we are as a society? People who do not care about the rights of other living creatures? Or only care as long as we are making money and entertained? Has our technology made us so naive to really think we are better then and worth more then any other living creature? Have we forgotten that most of the animals on this earth has lived here far longer then humans and would be just fine with out us? Can we say the same? Could we live without them? Nope! So why is it ok to use them for our own selfish gain?
Please Boycott The Georgia Aquarium and AT&T! Do not support any marine mammal facility or any company that partners or sponsors them. When you do, you are just as guilty as they are.
For the love of the Atlanta 11 and all other dolphin, captive and free....Take a stand and be their voice. Captivity is slavery, and it kills!
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